Sunday, August 13, 2006

Quick update

I've been a bit of a slack blogger this week; sorry about that people. A real update coming soon, I promise.

This week has included:
  • an array of films
  • several early nights to catch up on sleep lost during last week's debauched weekend,
  • broadcasting
  • DJ'ing at Q + A
  • failing to get laid
  • having an acquintance earn my respect for asking my permission to pursue a bloke he knew I used to fancy
  • a delightful combination of street theatre and history,
  • writing my Beat column
  • planning my Radiothon show
  • watching more Dr Who
  • a press conference/community consultation at Parliament House with a gay politician
  • getting excited by the fact that two of my best friends are independently moving back to Melbourne on the same day
  • running into two old housemates at a Saturday night MIFF screening
  • and getting absolutely shitfaced with the crew from The Pundit (who are red wine drinkers after my own liver).
In about an hour I'm heading off to the national day of action for same-sex civil unions, then back to MIFF for my last couple of films. When I get home tonight, I promise I'll write something more detailed.


walypala said...

So that's where you were. We popped by around midday.

Cade said...

Shit sounds busy. What did you think of the rally?

Tim Norton said...

I defend my actions. I was never after your liver. Possibly your sense of dignity. Or balance.

Dan in Melbourne said...

Doctor Who with a cliffhanger thrown in. Give me a Tardis so I can go straight to next Saturday!

richardwatts said...

Mike - sorry I missed you, mate - maybe tonight?

Jay - the rally was great - I'm going to write it up as a blog entry later this afternoon.

Jedi - possibly both? ;-)

Dan - I know, I can't wait!